Our Story

From NZ Woolsheds to your home

Setup by PGG Wrightson and its exporting arm, Bloch & Behrens, we’re here to provide assurances that your wool has been ethically grown and followed a path of genuine integrity, all the way to market.

And this starts right at the beginning: on farm.         

Our New Zealand farmers must follow the core values of Wool Integrity, including animal welfare, environmental sustainability, social compliance, wool quality and traceability.

These are upheld, every step of the way.

Once wool leaves the farm, it makes its way through a series of carefully managed stages including thorough inspections at PGG Wrightson wool stores, environmentally friendly scouring processes and more until it reaches the market.

With the Wool Integrity stamp of approval, you can be certain you’re getting a genuine and sustainable product.

Wool that doesn’t cost the earth

As a 100% natural fibre, wool is packed with all sorts of benefits that are better for you, and the planet. And its durability means it lasts a lifetime and beyond.

But not everyone gets to experience it.

We’re changing that, because we believe every New Zealander deserves the luxury of wool in their home.

Supporting local farmers

Alongside ensuring integrity and accessibility of wool for everyday New Zealanders, we’re here to help grow our country by supporting New Zealand farmers – farmers who care about animal welfare, ethical production and the future of our planet.

We are also here to assist our international manufacturers, loyal companies from around the world who continue to purchase New Zealand wool, supporting our industry and our farmers.

By purchasing Wool Integrity products you’re supporting them too.

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